The government announced that exports of this product to China could be completed by the end of March of this year. Cadex projects that production over the next five years will reach 50,000 tons.
The opening of Chinese markets to chia, which is produced in Bolivia, opens a new scenario for producers. The president of the Chamber of Exporters, Logistics and Investment Promotion (Cadex), Oswaldo Barriga, said that the opening of China's markets to chia, produced in Bolivia, opens a new scenario for producers. when exporting is enabled, production can be doubled of this "highly prized food".
The Government announced that the export of this product to the Chinese market could be completed by the end of March of this year.
"Bolivia currently produces 10,000 tons of chia. It is projected that the volume of production to 25,000 tons in 2024-2025, once the protocol is signed. with China," Barriga noted.
This scenario forecasts that production over the next five years is expected to be years to reach 50,000 tonsan institutional bulletin.
According to Cadex, exportable chia has a yield of 400-500 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha), and annually the country sold "to the world 9,000 tons, generating some US$25 million," and at an average price of US$2,700 per ton".
The Bolivian ambassador to China, Hugo Siles, indicated that on December 29, 2023, he held a meeting with the representative of the Chinese Customs, who informed him that there are no longer any comments on export applicationsThe protocol for chia production to enter this market will be signed in the following months, according to the bulletin.
To date, Bolivia exports chia to 35 countries around the world and 2023 marketed this "superfood" to Ecuador, Portugal and Venezuela, three new markets for this important product, said the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, Benjamín Blanco.
"Last year our exporting sector has been able to enter new markets with chiaThe authority said, according to BTV, that "the Ecuadorian, Portuguese and Venezuelan markets have had previously unrecorded exports of this product to these markets".
Blanco reported last Thursday that only the signature of the protocol is required to start exporting of the product to China.
He explained that this work was achieved thanks to the efforts made by the national government through the Foreign Ministry and the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service (Senasag), together with Cadex, according to the bulletin.
Source: Cadex: Bolivian chia production to double with the opening of the Chinese market (