Special services

Natural Crops provides special services at the request of customers or in circumstances that warrant it:

Grain drying

Two stainless steel static flow units with product recirculator, an automatic gas burner that regulates the temperature in the unit according to the programmed temperature for homogeneous and efficient drying.

40 ton capacity per shift

Output of 4 ton/hour.

Grain ozonation

Stainless steel hoppers, a hermetic ozone transfer chamber, and a cascade type discharge system with 3 levels of ozone injection for better contact and elimination of microbiology in the grain.

Capacity of 1.5 ton/hour.


Our own facilities where we provide our customers with physical purity and moisture analysis services for different grains and seeds, seed germination analysis, with highly trained personnel according to national and international standards.

Natural Crops

Natural Crops

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Natural Crops
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