
Our own facilities where we provide our customers with physical purity and moisture analysis services for different grains and seeds, seed germination analysis, with highly trained personnel according to national and international standards.

Physical Analysis

Physical purity analysis consists of separating the pure seed from any other impurities contained in the sample (weeds, seeds of other species, separated seed structures, particles of other leaves or other materials).

Sample Collection

It consists of taking a representative sample of a lot with reference to current sampling standards. NB 318028 - Sesame (Sesame) - Sampling and sample preparation
NB 32001 - Food sampling techniques for microbiological analysis
NB 214 - Sampling - Random Sampling

Germination Test

It consists of placing seeds in a humid substrate, whether sand, paper, cotton, under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and light, so that they germinate and reach a level of development.

Natural Crops

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Natural Crops
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